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Interesting Worldly Wedding Traditions!

Interesting Worldly Wedding Traditions!

Interesting Wedding Traditions from Around the World   The North American “white wedding” has become a staple in the media and in films, and while many of these weddings are beginning to diverge from the strictly traditionally ceremony, there are...
Who is Vera Wang?

Who is Vera Wang?

Vera Wang is a fashion icon, particularly on the wedding scene. She has consistently pushed boundaries to develop couture gowns that most women can afford – not just the rich and famous. Her designs are known for being innovative and...
The History of Roses

The History of Roses

The History of Roses Summary: Why are roses such a significant part of our culture, traditions and practices? Find out. The importance of the rose dates back so far in human history that today we unearth petrified rose wreaths from...
Why White?

Why White?

The white wedding dress does not stretch as far back into history as you might imagine, in fact, it only became a tradition in the very late 19th century when Queen Victoria wore white to her wedding in 1840. Up...
Exotic Blooms

Exotic Blooms

Blog: Roses are a tried and tested wedding flower – they are classic and lovely but perhaps a little overdone? Exotic flowers are definitely one way to shake things up and add a punch of the unexpected to your bouquet....
Wedding Traditions from Around the Globe...

Wedding Traditions from Around the Globe...

Wedding Traditions Around the World By Candy Morningway   If you want to learn about a culture, community or religious group, look to its holidays, traditions and rituals. They are direct reflections of both the contemporary and history of a...